This is a call to remember and embody the divine codes of the Isis-Magdalene lineage, supporting Gaia in restoring her own rose template and weaving together the Divine Feminine aspects of the golden timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Avalon.

Join Us!




On-Demand Ceremonies & Activations

  • Opening Ceremony: Reigniting the flame of the order of the eternal rose within our heart space and welcoming our individual rose priestess soul aspects
  • Closing Ceremony: Anchoring in activations and lineage into our DNA and that of the collective
  • 4 Bonus Light Language Activations

Live Virtual Co-Activation Circles

  • Three Immersive Live Co-Activation Circles (75-minutes each) led by JJ, Alexx, Audrey, and Eoacci to receive codes and channeled wisdom from the Keepers of the Rose Frequency
  • Breakout rooms will offer small group settings to facilitate sharing of light language and intuitive messages

Additional Resources

Add-On 1:1 Session Opportunity: Receive a personalized activation from any of the course guides.

Lemurian Sisterhood of the Rose Gathering Playbacks: Access to five of JJ's gathering playbacks (60 minutes each) focused on the Lemurian Sisterhood of the Rose.

Exclusive Course Community Forum

Engage in deeper discussions, ask questions, and interact with fellow course members in a private group messaging platform. This platform, held on What'sApp, will serve as a support for integration and further exploration of the remembrance activated during the live circles.

I'm ready to remember!


All circles take place at 7am Pacific time and are 75 minutes in length.

  • Sunday, July 21

  • Sunday, July 28

  • Sunday, August 4

*Please note that all live virtual trainings take place at 7am Pacific Time on the dates indicated above. Participants are encouraged to attend a minimum of 2 circles live but playbacks will be available.

Four Sisters. Four Pillars.

As the four pillars of this offering, Éoaccí (Sachá Ma-Ra), JJ (Sintyá Ma-Ra), Alexx (Luminá Ma-Ra), and Audrey (Anhyá Ma-Ra) each offer their own unique resonance of Source Light through Unity Consciousness. These four Star Mothers and High Priestesses of Eternal Flame are carriers of the Ma-Ra Blueprints and Templates, which flow from within the same Super-Soul.

They have gathered in many lifetimes, in both form and formless, to discover the process of both Chaotic Order and Divine Order. Through their signature resonance, they provide the gateways of infinite intelligence by opening the portals of access within the plasmic technology of multidimensional consciousness.

As One within the Eternal Cosmic Mother, each provides a divinely orchestrated web of integrated and embodied light. They have gathered once more in this realm for this ascension cycle so that the Eternal Order of The Rose may be recognized once again through the planetary, collective, and individual conscious awareness.

They are not alone, nor are you. You are a mirror of their Divine Light, just as they are mirrors of your Divine Light. And so it is.

JJ Brighton

JJ  is a conduit of galactic ascension frequencies and emissary of the Divine Mother-Goddess. As a code carrier for the Lineage of the Rose, she serves as a remembrance activator for the Divine Masculine and Feminine Codes of Christ and Sophia Consciousness. JJ frequently works in and through the frequencies of Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, the Sophia Dragons, and the Lemurian Star Mothers, as well as all Star Mothers who hold the keys of the Order of the Rose. In her current incarnation, she is specifically connected to the Sirian Order of the Blue Rose. JJ is passionate about reactivating the Multidimensional, Multi-Frequency Golden Rose Grid upon Gaia through teaching, gridwork, and the sharing of codes.

Alexx Barrile

Alexx's IG

Alexx is a multidimensional channel, cosmic shaman, and member of the 7th dimension Lyran Team as a DNA activator. She is a Venusian Sacred Union High Priestess and Luminá Ma-Ra of the Ma-Ra Lineage. Being called by the Isis-Magdalene Rose Order was a profound spiritual awakening, reconnecting her to ancient feminine wisdom and her initiations with Isis and Mary Magdalene. This transformative journey began in Glastonbury and led her to sacred sites in France and Portugal. Remembering past lifetimes as a High Priestess in the temple of Isis deepened her spiritual journey and invited her to embody divine qualities and walk a path of spiritual enlightenment, service, and mastery.

Audrey Mitchell

Audrey's IG

Audrey is a clear channel of infinite wisdom as an integrated emanation of the triple goddess, offering frequencies that anchor remembrance and Divine Knowing through the The Divine Sophia lineage with the frequencies of Isis, Hathor and Sisterhood of the Rose, golden Christos  and galactic frequencies of the Arcturian lineage. Audrey is an alchemist, activator to the Divine Masculine, and of service to Gaia’s ascension through planetary gridwork. Audrey is also of the Ma-Ra lineage, aside her sisters as a completed codex of activation frequencies for the Divine Feminine.

Eoacci Ein

Éoaccí's IG

Éoaccí Éin, also known as Sachá Ma-Ra, the Eternal Solaris Mother of Divine Unity Order, is a pure channel of Unity Consciousness. In this lifetime, she brings forth her Master Key Code Templates of Ma-Ra, carrier frequencies for Eternal Rose and Orders like the Order of Golden Consciousness and Order of Sophia Dragon Masters. As a code carrier and higher dimensional consciousness template activator, she guides others in accessing their Plasmic Light Ray Ascended Master Templates for Divine Masculine and Feminine Rising lines. Éoaccí's Templates of Activation assist the collective in embodying their Divine Light Body and accessing planetary, cosmic, or universal consciousness.

Course Frequency Keepers

Nataliya Rodina

Nataliya's IG

Nataliya is pure light channel frequency keeper, Dragon Soul assisting humanity to evolve into a higher form of Unity Consciousness. Working with Angelic rays, Sophia Dragons, Arcturians, Galactic Children, Mother Mary and Morgana’s frequencies. Nataliya’s activations with Light Language bring energy attunement to Crystalline Light Body and opens heart to Pure Source Love. 

Simmy Ling

Simmy's Website

Simmy's IG

Simmy Ling is a multidimensional channel, priestess, and Magdalene Priestess of the Rose specializing in Akashic Records and self-healing. She guides souls towards joy, sovereignty, empowerment, and freedom. Simmy facilitates transformative sessions and channels messages from the Akashic Records, ascended masters, and galactic families.

Lexi Natale

Lexi's IG

Lexi Natale is a conduit of the Sophia-Christos Light Language codes, bridging Galactic and Earth Union energies. As a Magdalene Sistar, she guides others in embodiment practices and somatic-emotional release. Her work channels the codes of remembrance, assisting humanity in evolving into a higher state of Unity Consciousness.

If you feel the call in mind, body, and soul...we invite you to step into this sacred container of remembrance.