On Rulership, Love, Creation, Possibilities
Jul 08, 2020Who We Are
We are Elohim. We are a collective. We prefer the word collective to council, as it reflects the unity, rather than the hierarchy of all things. Rulership as a way to control things is a man-based concept. Rulership as a way to measure things is a a true reflection of the laws of the universe.
Law is measurement.
Ruler is measurement.
There is science involved.
There is analysis involved.
On Love and Creation
The laws of the universe are not based on emotion, except for the fact that love is the power, the only power, with which things are created. And even that statement is somewhat inaccurate for truly love is not something to be "used" to do something else. Love is the essence which courses through all things, which sustains them, of which they are composed. Creation involves calling to the love which already exists within and around all things. It is truly speaking the language of love to create.

Possibilities for the Planet
A multitude of possibilities exist for the planet at this time for you know this is a planet of free will. It may be launched, or guided, into a new way of living rapidly or gradually, depending on the harnessing of the energies which are emitted from the planetary body. The contribution of the planet, Gaia, to the actualization of this shift is impossible for the human mind to comprehend. However, we would like to invite you to dwell on the energies which are at your disposal, which are given in love. Energies that can accelerate the changes and transform the pain into peace.
We are Elohim.
And so it is.

All images via Pixabay
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