Entering and Expanding Your Inner World
Jun 07, 2020The subject we would like to speak about is expansion.
We are here to elaborate on this terminology and on this concept, which at this moment in time is very crucial for you to comprehend. At times, it is more important for you to understand broader concepts than it is for you to understand the intricacies. We invite you to expand your mind as we speak of expansion.
When receiving information regarding subjects that are very broad, you must shift your perspective from this microcosm of the Earth to a greater perspective, a macro-perspective, which allows you to see the bigger picture or, at least, a bigger picture. For, as you know, that the picture grows larger and larger and the perspective can continually expand ad infinitum.

This concept of the perspective growing is the first topic on which we would like to elaborate. Perspective is a very important aspect of the movement and the shift that many of you are experiencing. As you know, you create your own reality and, therefore, as you expand your perspective, your reality changes.
Those of you who are desiring to shift with the New Earth as she leaves her old body, we would like to invite you to shift what you see. To shift what your eyes observe.
Again, we invite you to do this—we do not command you to do this. We honor your free will. For some of you desire to stay in the 3D, desire to stay in a different vibration. We say lower vibration, but we do not want you to feel as if this lower vibration is somehow a lesser vibration. There is a need for all vibrations.
However, some of you feel called, possibly by your Higher Self and/or by contracts, to move with the New Earth and accept this different perspective. Again, we invite you to consider changing and expanding your perspective. We would like to give you some instruction on how that can be done if that is what you are seeking.
Go Within
Expansion within is the key to expanding without. Expansion within is limitless. Expansion without can be tied to the collective expansion and, therefore, it an reflect an illusion of limitation. Expansion within is more accessible and also more influential to your overall well-being, to your overall perception of the world.
We invite you to seek out tones, sounds and wave frequencies in the form of music, colors, and smells, that will assist you to go within. We wish to explain to you that "going within" does not require you to go into a dark room with your eyes closed and blocking out all stimuli. "Going within" can be done in your everyday life. Living "from within" can be done in your everyday life. It is an illusion that meditation can only be done one way. And we say "meditation" to utilize your human terminology as a synonym for "going within."
The teaching and examples of many of the wise masters who were able to easily access this inner portal of expansion were interpreted in one-dimensional way, when what they taught and did should be seen in a multi-dimensional way. The aspects and the physicality of their meditation was reflected as a one-dimensional performance. We wish to express to you that going within can be done in a multi-dimensional way and is unique to each person.
The keys that unlock your inner portals are unique to you and were given before you arrived on this planet. They are based on the skillsets you possess here in order to make it as easy as possible for you to access this inner portal to expansion. For that reason, we recommend you choose the keys that resonate most with you.
Some examples of keys are:
- Music: Some will enter the inner portal by creating and listening to different kinds of music.
- Nature: Others will do so by physically locating themselves in nature. This allows them to connect with vibrations which will assist them in unlocking the inner portal. Nature exudes vibrations through colors, smells, and sounds and is a very multi-dimensional tool for access.
- Isolation: There are those who you who, indeed, will desire a feeling of isolation, a feeling of quiet calmness, almost like being in a womb, in order to access your portal. This would be more similar to traditional mediation. We do not discourage you from doing this if you feel called to do so.

It will be beneficial to you to contemplate and receive information from your guides concerning the particular keys that will work best to open your inner portal. Some may come naturally to you and others may not have occurred to you up until this point. Be open to Spirit as you ponder this topic.
There may also be specific key words, specific places, and specific songs that help you to access the portal with more ease. As time progresses and as you undergo this process more frequently, you will be able to enter more rapidly.
Exploring the Inner World
As you enter the inner world , there are many places you can go. There are many choices you have as you enter the door. You may notice you are drawn to different areas at first. You may be distracted. You may feel like you need to explore. We ask you and invite you to prepare as you enter. To focus as you enter. That you may not be distracted. That you may be able to pinpoint where you are needed, that is for your greatest and highest good. That you may not get lost in habits which take you to places of contraction rather than expansion. Again, we honor your free will at all times. We do not judge. We do not dwell on so-called "right" and "wrong." However, we do acknowledge and would like to bring your attention to the fact that there are places in your inner world which engender expansion and places which engender contraction.
One of the reasons we would like to encourage those who are called to expand to take the steps to do so, is because we sense that you are longing for this action, for this part of the wave, for this part of the cycle, yet know not how to get there. We sense that many of you who are sensitive are caught in a contraction. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Along with all the expansion that is occurring on the New Earth, there is an equal and opposite contraction that is occurring on the Old Earth. Many feel entangled at the moment in the energy of contraction.

Identify Your Role
We invite you to go within to consult with your Higher Self, to consult with Wisdom, to consult with Source. We invite you to identify your role and the place to which you are called so that as you choose your actions (emphasis on the importance of choice), and if you feel called to expansion to identify how this is going to affect you as part of the New Earth, as part of the movement, as part of the shift. We invite you to do this in order for the manifestation of the world in which you would like to find yourself to occur. If you cannot go within the expansion energy and see yourself thriving in a higher vibration, in light, then it will much more difficult, nay, it will be nearly impossible for you to move in the shift.
Therefore we ask you to access the inner expansive world. To visualize, as you would say in your terminology. To put your thought energy towards the world with which you would like to expand. Not the world of contraction in which others find themselves, but the world of expansion where you desire to be. As you grasp this vision, as you spend time in it within, it shall manifest without.
You will begin to access and be drawn towards a collective energy of expansion and begin to separate from the collective energy of contraction. The separation, the independence, of the expansion energy will become more pronounced.
Again, we wish to show you compassion for many of you feel a sense of division within, almost as if you are being "torn apart" because you are experiencing both energies at the same time. We say to you—this need not be. We say to you—you need not sacrifice yourself, you need not be torn apart. We say to you—you may choose. There need not be sorrow in choice. There need not be sorrow in division.
For in division, you will find unity. In division you will find Source.
For the division, as you call it, is an illusion. At this time we will not explore that subject, but may present it later on. Your linear thinking prevents you from noticing the unity in the shift. The circle, the cycle, the wave, the two become one. Your linear thinking...your concept of past and present...your concept of new and old...is an illusion. Your concept of life and death...your concept of high and low...your concept of near and far...your concept of us and them...this is all illusion.
You go within to expand. You enter the portal of expansion. And as you expand, you also contract. You embrace both.
We are Elohim.
And so it is.

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