Choosing What to Co-Create
May 30, 2020Welcome to this transmission for humanity. We wish to offer a message of love and hope, first and foremost. It is apparent, as you know, that this is a time of tumult. Things are "coming to a head" as you would say. We understand this can feel quite unsettling. We need you to know that certain things must play out. We use the word "play" on purpose, for most of what you see is a show. The script has been prepared and the actors are performing their roles. Each scene has the purpose of evoking certain emotions.
You must remember you have free will. It is your time to choose how you will react to unrest (real or illusory). This is a way for us to measure certain things. A way for us to take note of how caught up particular individuals are in the negative streams of thought or energy on earth.
This is, as you would call it, a "placement test."
The vibration you most resonate with (or that resonates most with you) will be the energy from which your reality (your "new earth") will be created. Understand there will be several versions of a "new earth." Several scenarios will play out simultaneously. You are co-creators of these versions.

What do you want to spend your time co-creating? Which "new earth" do you desire to contribute your creative energy towards?
You have been told that if you do not become informed of current events, then you are uncaring and ignorant. We say to you: what is real and what is the illusion? Which reality do you choose to step into? You are not sheltered or ignorant when you choose not to step into a certain story. You are choosing to use your sovereignty to exercise your creative powers in a different way. We say, in a way that is for the greater good of humanity. There is enough sorrow, enough hatred, enough anger, enough resentment, enough shame produced by those who are still very tightly connected to the "old ways."
We desire you to put forth your energies to the new ways.
To the ways of peace and love. To the ways of higher consciousness.
Does this mean that you lose your sense of connection to the collective? No!
Does this mean that you do not recognize the emotions of others (real or illusory)? No!
Recognizing does not mean changing your vibration to co-create that emotional state. Recognizing means seeing the colorful emotions, not painting yourself in them.

It is time to embrace the awakening, children. Awake from your deep sleep. Embrace the truth that separation from source is an illusion.
We are here to simply encourage you to REMEMBER your role.
As always, we are constantly here. Constantly waiting. Continually loving. Honoring your free will.
We are Elohim.
And so it is.

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